Who we really are- Holly Papa and Cari Hauptman are hollybookscoops and caribookscoops

Dear readers,

Many of you have been with me and my sister Cari from the very start of our experience reviewing books. So, it is with sad hearts that we share some news with you. A few months ago, our domain name, Bookscoops was accidentally allowed to expire and someone else purchased it. Totally sad, but totally legal. Unfortunately, the new site owner is plagiarizing our material and has embedded pornographic links in our reviews.

We are so sorry that this has happened and assure you that we are doing all within our power to get the material taken down. Our current correct address is https://bookscoops.wordpress.com. If you have any links to our former site, please update them.

This letter serves as official notice that Holly Papa is hollybookscoops and Cari Hauptman is caribookscoops. We do not agree with or support the pornographic content embedded in our copyrighted reviews which are being used without our consent.

We will keep you updated as we work to a resolution. Thank you for your support!


Holly Papa aka hollybookscoops and Cari Hauptman aka caribookscoops

All posts are © Cari Hauptman,  Holly Papa and Bookscoops.wordpress.com 2007-2014 Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Bookscoops.wordpress.com authors and/or owners is strictly prohibited.

Announcing the Winner of our Bookscoops Christmas 2013 Giveaway!

Craft-a-Doodle 75 Creative exercises from 18 artists
Craft-a-Doodle, 75 Creative exercises from 18 artists

Hooray! Tiffani Cluff is the winner of our Christmas Giveaway. Lucky Tiffani gets a free copy of Craft-a-Doodle courtesy of Sterling Publishing and wrapped with love by Bookscoops! Tiffani, I will be in touch to discuss delivery arrangements!

I am also, belatedly, announcing the winner of our Fall giveaway… I know, it was a busy fall! The winner of one Copy of Only Cows allowed by Lynn Plourde is… Arienne. I will also be in touch with Arienne to get contact info.

Thanks everyone for participating in our giveaways! literacy and artistry are such important elements of life. I’m so glad to share my love of both with you all!

The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art 2013 Auction

I wish I could go to this. But, since I just got home from a trip to Europe, and seeing lots of other famous museums, I guess it’s not my turn this year. I would love to see the amazing illustrations at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. I hope you can go and that you will tell me all about it! Please see below for details from the press release:

Art Auction to Benefit The Eric Carle Museum

Highly-Acclaimed Illustrators Donate Original Picture Book Art to 2013 Carle Honors


But there was more to see
Illustration © 1990 by Chris Van Allsburg


The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art’s 2013 Carle Honors Art Auction features 17 original works of art donated by some of the industry’s most highly-renowned illustrators. The silent auction will take place on September 26th at Guastavino’s in New York City at the eighth annual Carle Honors, which will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the landmark Museum located in Amherst, MA. All works will be on display at Books of Wonder (18 West 18th Street, NYC) from September 5 through September 25, and can be viewed online at www.carlemuseum.org/carlehonors/auction2013. Absentee bids are encouraged, and can be placed now by contacting Rebecca Miller Goggins at rebeccag@carlemuseum.org or calling 413-658-1118.


The Carle Honors Art Auction benefits The Eric Carle Museum and its mission to inspire a love of art and reading through picture books. Exclusive original illustrations have been donated by Eric Carle, Tony DiTerlizzi, Richard Egielski, Steven Kellogg, Jon Klassen, David Macaulay, Barbara McClintock, Barry Moser, Jerry Pinkney, Susan L. Roth, Chris Van Allsburg, David Wiesner, Rosemary Wells, Mo Willems and Robert R. Zakanitch. Works of art by the late Tom Feelings and William Steig have been specially contributed by Niani Feelings and Jeanne Steig, the 2011 Carle Honors Angel.



A Yellow Rubber Duck by Eric Carle ©  2003


‘NCS Spot/Schmancy’ Pigeon
Illustration © 2013 by Mo Willems
Down He Went
Illustration © 2002 by Richard Egielski

Don’t you want some of these pictures for your very own?

J. Scott Savage is in Boise!

I just thought I’d give you all a head’s up that your first night of spring break could be spent doing something awesome! If you are going out of town, then the night before spring break could be spent doing something awesome!

What is it you ask? Well, dear readers, you can go to a…


… book signing. Yes, that’s right! J. Scott Savage, author of the Far World Series (I haven’t read them yet, but I want to), is coming to do a book signing at our very own Deseret Book!


Thursday, March 21st, 6:30-8:30PM at the Meridian, Idaho Deseret Book

Friday, March 22nd, 6:30-8:30PM at the Boise, Idaho Deseret Book

He has other books too, in case Zombies are your style… check out this one:


What? You’ve never been to a book signing? Book signings are so fun people! You get to stand in a line (that’s not the really good part, come back here!) The best part comes when you get to the front of the line. That’s when you get to meet really cool people called authors. What? You want to know how I know Mr. Savage is cool? Okay, I’ll tell you: He’s teaching a class at WIFYR this summer. You know, that amazing writer’s conference Cari and I keep telling you guys about every summer? Well, they only let cool authors come there. That’s how I know. And I would love to go to his class. I would sign up tomorrow if I could. But, I already agreed to take 25 giggly girls on a campout all week. Yeah, it’ll be fun. So you should sign up and go instead of me. Then you can tell me what I missed out on. We could be writing buddies!

Get ready to kick off your spring break to a fantastic start! It’s also a great finish to read week if you happen to be celebrating that this week at your school. My kids are at theirs, and Mr. Savage is even doing school visits. Is he coming to your school? He’s coming to ours, and I am so excited. I should go back to school just so I can be part of things like that.

Okay, okay, okay, I know you all don’t want to write books. You like to read them. So go! Write it down on your calendar, don’t miss it. Your kids need something great to read over spring break!

What do you do when you have too many books?

This isn’t a book review. It’s a question. I’d like to know what you do when you have too many books? Or, does your world match the poster in my kid’s room by David Shannon which says Never Enough Books?Photo on 2013-02-27 at 09.40

I enjoyed this article today on Houzz and thought I would share it with you all. It has some great ideas and tips. And it also made me feel more okay with my decision to park a big bookshelf in my entrway. I know most other people would put something else there, but I like to walk by books on my way to everywhere. I only wish I kept it dusted more frequently and a little more organized! It would help if my family didn’t think every shelf is for stashing things they don’t want to put away- like lego creations, pokemon cards and superheroes action figures. But, sometimes I think my kiddos leave their treasures on the bookshelf because they are trading them out for other treasures- great books to read!

How do you keep your home library under control? I’d love to hear your ideas!

Announcement! Holly’s new Author/Illustrator Site

One of Holly's Illustrations from WIFYR Workshop

As many of you know, we (Cari and Holly) are both aspiring to be genuine published authors. Tack on illustrator to Holly’s goals and you have the whole picture. As part of the journey to publication, I (Holly) have created my  own website http://hollypapa.com where I will be posting insights about writing and illustrating and chronicling my journey to success. I will still be posting here at Bookscoops and hope that you will follow along with me in both places.

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.” Stephen King

Here’s to a great ride. Cheers!

Great Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day, WIFYR, and other literary gifts…

Mother’s day is fast approaching. Don’t have a gift yet? No problem. Here are a few quick ideas to get you going. Yes, they are all literary. If your Mother likes to read- or likes being a Mom (hopefully she does) here is a great multi-cultural book filled with classic Mother teachings that will tug at your Mom’s heart strings (especially if you are her son).

Mama Says: a book of love for Mothers and Sons by Rob D. Walker, Leo & Diane Dillon.

What if you are the Mom and you don’t know what you want for Mother’s Day yet? Or, are you looking for a great gift idea for your mother or wife who likes to write? Maybe she’s always dreamed of publishing a book, or writing a childhood memoir. Maybe she wants to write a picture book for her kids or grandkids- or maybe she loves art and has thought about becoming a children’s picture book author. Get her an all expenses paid trip to the WIFYR (pronounced wiffer) conference! What is WIFYR you ask? No, it’s not a new kind of wiffle ball game. WIFYR (Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers) is an amazing writer’s conference held annually in Sandy, Utah. There are intensive morning workshops- taught by great authors/ilustrators and afternoon only workshops- for those who want something a little more general and laid back (and cheaper). Some of the teachers who will be there are Matt Kirby– author of Icefall, which just received the Edgar Award, Mette Ivie Harrison, Cynthia Leitich Smith, among many others!

The other bonus, is that we- the Bookscoops sisters will also be there, so if you want to hang out with us, we promise we’ll be your friend, and you won’t be all alone.

There is also a first-line contest available- the deadline is May 12, 2012 at midnight. You can enter here: WIFYR FIRST LINE CONTEST

Don’t forget that the only thing better than a book- is learning how to write one! We hope to see you soon… @WIFYR!

A Few Things on My Summer Reading List…


It’s been a very busy summer, as I’m sure you all agree. Cari and I spent our first full week of summer vacation at the WIFYR 2011 Writer’s conference (Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers). Boy did we come home changed! Cari took the YA novel class by Emily Wing Smith and I (Holly) took the Picture Book class by Kristyn Crow. I think my inner creator grew three sizes. At least! So, due to opportunities to submit manuscripts and all the entailing writing and revising, things here at Bookscoops have slowed down. I know, you thought they were already slow. It’s probably a little more honest to say they practically came to a standstill. Sorry about that!

I thought that I would make a quick list of some of the books that I have read and enjoyed this summer. I know, I know. How can I have time for reading, if I have no time for blogging? The key to reading even when you’re busy is having a book every place you might have a moment to read. Even with four kids, there is always a moment to read. Like, that 3 minute time slot when everyone is taking forever to buckle their seatbelt… don’t get mad, read! They’ll get the point eventually, and even if they don’t, you’ll get more reading time 🙂 So, without further ado, here is the list:

Hitch by Jeanette Ingold: I actually re-read this book on accident. Apparently, I had no memory of the original first two chapters. Or the cover. But I did, all of a sudden, have one of those Ah Hah! moments, and it all came rushing back. Despite my questionable memory, I did love this book the first time, and the second time. So, since it was worth the re-read to me, it’s definitely worth a look for you. Did you know that during the Great Depression there was a government funded program that paid young men to work? Most of these young men worked on National Parks and agricultural projects. It was amazing. What a concept- provide jobs, and improve our country, all at the same time. I’m a little curious to know why no one has thought of this during our current recession. I have read multiple times in the news about how difficult it is for young people to get jobs these days. Perhaps we are not yet desperate enough to do this kind of back breaking labor.

Miss Spitfire by Sarah Miller: How many of you have ever thought of the Helen Keller story from the teacher’s perspective? I loved this peak into the life of Annie Sullivan. Amazing, and profound. I can’t believe what she rose above to become Helen Keller’s key to life. Annie and her brother spent time sleeping in the corpse room at a sanatorium after their mother dies and their drunk father abandons them to relative who can’t handle their handicaps or Annie’s spunky attitudes. Defnitely a must-read.

Dark Fire and Fire World by Chris D’Lacey: Books 5&6  in his Dragon series. My soon-to-be 5th grader and I have been fighting over these all summer. I steal the book from him after he goes to sleep and he steals it from me in the morning. All the time in between is a free-for-all. When his friends are over or he’s at swimming lessons, it’s my turn. I just finished Fire World last night. Anyone interested in dragons and who likes fantasy will find these books a fun escape from reality. If you are, or have, a voracious reader that needs something new to read, this series will keep you busy for a good amount of time as each one is three inches thick.  Fire World was quite different than I expected, there definitely will be at least one more book to come. It’s been fun tag-teaming the series with my son, I look forward to the next one- actually, we both do!

Picture Books

The Three Little Gators by Helen Ketteman, illustrated by Will Terry: This is a fun remake of the three little pigs, with gators and a big bottom boar. The author and illustrator are the same as the fun fractured tale of the Little Red Hen: Armadilly Chili (loved this one too!)

Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy by David Soman and Jacky Davis: a husband and wife team. I was tipped off to this book by a friend I met at the WIFYR conference (Thanks Christy!). It’s a fun book about compromise and friendship- the text is honestly a little long for my taste, but the pictures are adorable.

Mudkin by Stephen Gammell: A rolicking tale of fun in the mud, imagination… you get the drift. Perfect for my kids who turned our backyard dirt pile into a mud slide. What’s amazing about this is that there are only around 55 words! The rest is all illustration. Sometimes I wish I had more experience with illustration. I would love to be like Stephen Gammell and be able to tell stories through my art as well as my words. Maybe someday…

My Cat, The Silliest Cat in the World by Gilles Bachelet: Take a look at the cover. No, that is not an elephant, it’s a cat. Really. I’m not kidding. Neither is Gilles Bachelet. We loved this book, over and over and over. There’s just something inherently hilarious about a cat that’s an elephant. The twist at the end, was very satisfying. Your kids will love this book!

Fuddles by Frans Vischer: Fuddles is a spoiled, fat house-cat. Fuddles dreams of adventure, but when he experiences the real thing, he’s not so sure he dreamed the right dream anymore.

Blue Chameleon by Emily Gravett: Physical comedy in a picture book! An adorable chameleon changes color and shape as he tries to match the things he encounters. What he really wants is a friend- someone like him. This is another author-illustrator project, with few words, and lots of laughs.

Owls Backyard Animals by Nick Winnick: A fun non-fiction picture book full of fun information about these varied creatures of the night sky.

These aren’t all the books I’ve read- just some of them. I do read adult books too, which I don’t review here- anywhere, actually. Plus lots of books that are still in the que for special features, coming soon. I went to a few great book signings and I’ve gotten some fun review books in the mail. Stay tuned for more fun reads!

Winners of Bookscoops’ Nature Squad giveaway…

The winner of the Nature Squad, Bluebird Finds a Home illustration giveaway is Lorene, and the winner of the book is Amy. Congratulations! I will be in touch to get your contact information. For all the others who entered or who may be silently lurking and hesitant to comment, keep checking back for more fun giveaways and author interviews coming soon.  We don’t share your contact information with anyone else, and only use it to contact you if you win something. So, enter away… next time. A big thank you goes to Jody at Adventure Publications for orchestrating the fantastic interview and giveaway, as well as for providing the review copy of Nature Squad, Bluebird Finds a Home. Also, a big thank you to illustrator Joel Seibert for participating in our interview. I have to agree with Amy, my favorite part was learning about Joel’s dyslexia and the ways he has overcome that and still participated in the world of literature!